85% of Millennial Mothers Don’t Feel Our Society Understands Or Supports Motherhood

Perhaps the one statistic that sums up everything else in the study, though, is that a whopping 85% of women in the study said that they don’t believe that our society understands or supports them as mothers. Let that sink in. The people who are birthing and raising the next generation of citizens and society-members don’t feel as though they’re seen or heard. Read More

5-Year-Old’s Outfit Deemed Inappropriate at School, so Her Mom Took Action

There is a bright spot in all of this, though. Emily Stewart didn’t take this lying down. She didn’t just send angry words out into the universe: she went straight to the source and made a change. Because of her boldness in speaking up, the school formally changed their policies, and now administrators are no longer able to make judgment calls on the appropriateness of a child’s outfit. Read More

This Mom’s Post About Making Sure We’re in Pictures Is Spot On

I want my kids to have plenty to lay their eyes on when they reflect on their childhood, and when they set out to remember who their Mom was. They may not have storied in their own memories the times that I crawled inside their box forts or let them give me a ‘makeover’, but if there are pictures to prove it, they may just get to know me a little better that day through them. Read More

Glennon Doyle Creates Phone Rule for Teens at Her House and It’s Genius

Because of these advances and how widespread technology now is, many parents are finding ways to help control their children’s usage. From special apps, time limits and filters, there are basic approaches as well as some more creative ones. Writer, speaker, and mother Glennon Doyle is one of those creative mothers. Read More

Being Bored Is Actually Really Good for Your Kids

I see my daughter after a long eight hour day of school. Hour after hour or guided learning, sitting still in chairs and being shuffled from subject to subject, she becomes tightly wound. The last thing she actually needs when she gets home is more. It has become apparent that the best thing for her is space to breathe and listen to her body. That’s when the magic happens. Read More