What Your Parents Really Think About You

My Mother-in-Law said something to me shortly after the birth of our daughter that has stuck with me and irrevocably altered the way I viewed my burgeoning motherhood. Mainly, it affected the way I view my own parents. Read More

Surviving Survival Mode: My Farewell to Being Everything

There is pressure, spoken and unspoken, to do everything. To be everything. Feed your children wholesome meals and snacks all day. Limit (or eliminate) screen time. Keep them engaged. Get your pre-pregnancy shape back. Have meaningful and well-maintained relationships. Nurture your marriage. Have interests that aren’t Daniel Tiger, finger painting, and who has meat on sale this week. Make sure your two-year-old knows all of her numbers, letters, and can properly pronounce ‘quinoa’ before she gets to preschool. The list goes on and on. Read More