Tradeshow Spotlight: MCA Visits ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas – A Joint 20th Anniversary Celebration

Kelly Mahaffy

Kelly Mahaffy
Content Director at Mom’s Choice Awards

Las Vegas, NV – May 15-17, 2024 – The bustling city of Las Vegas was the backdrop for a significant milestone in the juvenile products industry as the ABC Kids Expo celebrated its 20th anniversary. This year’s event was made even more special with the participation of Mom’s Choice Awards® (MCA), which was also commemorating its 20th year of recognizing excellence in family-friendly products and services. The MCA team eagerly joined the expo, engaging with industry innovators and honoring over 80 of their award recipients present at the event.

A Historic Milestone: The 20th Anniversary of ABC Kids Expo and Mom’s Choice Awards

The ABC Kids Expo, held at the expansive Las Vegas Convention Center, is a premier event that brings together professionals from across the juvenile products industry. This year, both the expo and Mom’s Choice Awards marked their two-decade milestone, celebrating a legacy of innovation and excellence. The expo provided a unique platform for the MCA team to connect with product creators who have set high standards in quality and family-centric design.

Honoring 80 Outstanding MCA Honorees

Over the three days, the MCA team had the pleasure of meeting with 80 distinguished honorees, each recognized for their contributions to enhancing family life. These honorees represented a wide array of categories, including toys, educational tools, parenting resources, and children’s books. The event floor was alive with energy as these award-winning products were showcased, demonstrating their ability to meet the evolving needs of families worldwide.

Categories of Excellence
  1. Eco-friendly Toy Manufacturers – These companies are at the forefront of sustainable play, utilizing recycled materials and environmentally conscious production methods.
  2. Innovative Educational Tools – These products make learning engaging and accessible, catering to children of various ages and learning styles.
  3. Health and Safety Products – Brands dedicated to child safety and health through meticulously designed safety gear and health-focused products.
Reflecting on Two Decades of Impact

Dawn Matheson, CEO of Mom’s Choice Awards, shared her thoughts on the significance of this year’s event: “The ABC Kids Expo is always a fantastic opportunity to connect with industry leaders, but this year was truly extraordinary. Celebrating our 20th anniversary alongside the expo and seeing the passion and innovation of our honorees was incredibly inspiring. We are proud to support these outstanding companies and individuals who positively impact families around the world.”

Looking Ahead: A Bright Future for Family-Friendly Products

As the expo concluded, the MCA team left Las Vegas with renewed enthusiasm and valuable new connections. The interactions and insights gained during the event will undoubtedly enrich the MCA’s mission to honor the best in family-friendly media, products, and services.

For the honorees, the recognition from Mom’s Choice Awards is a testament to their dedication and innovation. For parents and families, the MCA seal continues to be a trusted mark of quality, guiding them towards products that enhance their lives and the lives of their children.

With the baby products industry set for continued growth and innovation, the presence of organizations like Mom’s Choice Awards at events like the ABC Kids Expo ensures that excellence is celebrated and encouraged, paving the way for a brighter future for all families.

You can check out our full album of honorees at this year’s ABC Kids Expo here!

Kelly MahaffyAbout Kelly Mahaffy

Kelly Mahaffy is a seasoned professional passionate about empowering families through quality content. As the Content Director at Mom’s Choice Awards, Kelly oversees the strategic development and curation of educational and entertaining content aimed at parents and caregivers. With a background in marketing and a deep understanding of the needs of modern families, Kelly is dedicated to providing valuable resources and insights to support families in their journey of raising happy, healthy children.

View all posts by Kelly Mahaffy here.



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