Here’s What You Need to Know About Piercing Your Child’s Ears

kids ear piercing

There’s no doubt that your child will ask for their ears pierced at some point or another. However, does that mean you should let them? Whether you’re considering piercing your child’s ears or having a discussion with them, there are some things you should know in advance, such as the importance of proper hygienic care. Read More

Confident Parenting: How To Talk To Your Daughter About Personal Hygiene

Confident Parenting How To Talk To Your Daughter About Personal Hygiene.png

While her best friend may have the lowdown on some of your daughter’s interests and hobbies, it’s important that you’re the go-to person when it comes to certain matters such as health, hygiene, and self-care. Talking to your child about these things can help them stay healthy and avoid embarrassing situations in the future. Here’s how to talk to your daughter about personal hygiene–without making it awkward. Read More

The Benefits of Meditation for Your Family

The Benefits of Meditation for Your Family

Jane Sandwood Teacher | Blogger | Mom Stress affects both children and adults, and can take a toll on family life; in fact, 54% of people claim that stress is the cause of fighting with someone close to them. Practicing meditation helps control stress on a physiological level, making for happier individuals and more peaceful home. Building a daily meditation practice in your home gives your family a chance to spend … Read More

How Families Benefit from an Outdoor Vacation

How Families Benefit from an Outdoor Vacation

The average American child spends only four to seven minutes on unstructured outdoor play,  and five to eight hours per day in front of a digital screen. High rates of childhood obesity,  a shorter life span, and difficulties concentrating are just a few effects of our current ‘divorce’ from nature, so if you are planning a summer vacation, try to take it outdoors. Read More

Is A Dog An Ideal Companion For A Working Mom?

Is A Dog An Ideal Companion For A Working Mom?

Whether you work in an office or at home, a pet might just be a fantastic way to feel accompanied, loved and peaceful, even when you’re working long hours. These are just a few pros and cons to consider if you are considering keeping your pet by your side while you work. Read More

Making It Work As A Work-From-Home Mom

Making It Work As A Work-From-Home Mom

Did you know that if you’re a mom who works from home, you’re likely to be more productive than working people without children? A lot of this comes down to the fact that working moms have to manage time effectively on a daily basis. Working from home is a popular choice for some moms with young kids, as it can help them manage their work commitments alongside their children’s schedule. Read More

Vices You Must Give Up In Pregnancy and Why

Vices You Must Give Up In Pregnancy and Why

Most pregnant women know that drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and taking drugs while pregnant is a big no-no. However, despite official warnings from health agencies, a recent study found that some women are partaking in these no-no’s during pregnancy. Read More

Introducing a New Pet to Your Kids Safely

Introducing a New Pet to Your Kids Safely

If you have young children, you have probably heard them beg for a pet of their own on more than one occasion. IKeep these considerations in mind and start taking advantage of the many benefits that pets bring to the lives of children and adults! Read More

Making Creative Christmas Cards With Your Kids

Making Creative Christmas Cards With Your Kids

The majority of these Christmas cards end up being thrown in the trash at the end of the holiday. As a great project with your kids, how about making some truly creative and personalized cards that you will want to treasure forever? Read More