Cake Mix Cookies

Cake Mix Cookies

Draven Jackson
Blogger | Teacher

I love dessert-it is without a doubt one of my guilty pleasures in life. Recently, one of my coworkers introduced me to the amazing world of cake mix cookies. While this discovery is detrimental to my waistband, it’s wonderful for my heart.

Though I live by the mantra “all cookies are good cookies,” there’s something about a cookie that’s just the right amount of fluffy on the inside with a little bit of crunch on the outside that just makes my heart so happy. All cookies have a certain balance required between fluffy and crunchy, which differs from cookie type to cookie type, and each person has their own cookie preferences – however, no matter if you’re a soft cookie connoisseur or a crunchy cookie lover, I implore you to try out these cake mix cookies for your next party, cookout, or social gathering.

Not only are they so easy to make that even the most inexperienced baker will look like a pro, but I can promise you now that the plate will be empty by the end of the night! Not to mention, everyone and their grandma is going to be asking for your recipe – which, obviously, is a family secret. With only three main ingredients and the flexibility to be adapted to any event, these are the perfect last-minute party treat.

Cake Mix Cookies Ingredients

Cake Mix Cookies

  •  A box of cake mix – for this recipe, the flavor is completely up to you! You can go with the standard vanilla or chocolate, or even mix it up with a “Birthday Cake” flavor.
  • Eggs – if you use larger eggs, 2 eggs will be enough, but for small eggs, you may want to opt for 3.
  • Oil – vegetable oil is usually the go-to choice, but canola is also an acceptable option. You’ll need about 1/2 cup of oil.
  • The mix-ins of your choice (M&Ms, walnuts, sprinkles, etc.) – the mix-ins are very important as they bring more life and flavor to your cookies!
Cake Mix Cookies Recipe
  1. First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (or 175 degrees C).
  2. While you are waiting for the oven to heat, line a baking sheet with parchment paper or spray it with non-stick spray. Put this to the side.
  3. Next, mix together your cake mix, eggs, and oil in a bowl until it’s smooth and the consistency of cookie dough. If your mix-in addition is similar to M&Ms and walnuts and should be incorporated throughout the dough, make sure to mix them in during this stage.*
    *To make your dough firmer and less sticky, you can refrigerate it for a little bit so it’s easier to work with.
  4. Using either a cookie scoop or your hands, form small 1-inch balls of dough and place them on the cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Add any extra mix-ins you might have (like peanut butter cups or caramel candies) to the center of the cookie.
  5. Bake the cookies for 8-10 minutes until they are golden brown around the edges and set, but still soft and chewy. Be careful not to overbake – it’s okay if they’re still a little soft in the center!
  6. Finally, let the cookies cool for at least five minutes before transferring to a wire rack or serving platter.

These cookies are so simple to make and absolutely delicious, and the fact that you have so many flavor options (depending on the cake mix you choose) makes them the perfect recipe to keep in your back pocket. They also freeze well, so if there are any leftovers – although I doubt there will be – just stick them in the freezer and take them out a few hours before you want to serve them next!

Cake mix cookies are great for birthday parties, barbeques, or even to bring to work events. Don’t be afraid to get a little creative with your cake mix flavor and mix-ins – you’ll rarely go wrong, and experimenting with different things will help you find the combinations that work best for you! I hope you and the people lucky enough to enjoy your delicious cookies will love this recipe as much as I have!

Draven Jackson HeadshotAbout Draven Jackson

Draven is an avid writer and reader who enjoys sharing her opinions on movies, books, and music with the rest of the world. She will soon be working as a teacher in Japan and hopes to use her experience to connect with other teachers and students around the globe. Draven spends most of her time at home with her family, her dogs, and her ferret.

To see more, view all posts by Draven Jackson here.

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