Tips For Traveling With Toddlers

Tips For Traveling With Toddlers

Ryan HowardRyan Howard
Dad | Blogger

A lot of parents are familiar with the challenges of traveling with infants. Even if you haven’t taken your baby with you on a trip, there is a good chance that you have sat on a flight and heard a baby crying a few seats away. The move from infancy to toddlerhood should mean it’s much easier to fly, right? Not exactly.

On the plus side, toddlers have a much better attention span, so it can be easier to keep them entertained for long periods of time. On the other hand, they don’t sleep nearly as much as infants and they’re much less likely to be content just sitting in your arms for a long period of time.

Board Late

Often times, families traveling with small children are afforded the opportunity to board planes early. This can be nice, since you might move a little more slowly when you’ve got a toddler with you. However, if you do decide to board early, you will probably end up sitting on the plane for an extra 45 minutes or so while everyone else boards. This is 45 more minutes that you need to keep your little one entertained. If both parents are traveling together, I would suggest having one board early with all of the luggage while the other parent and toddler wait in the airport until the last possible moment.

Fun & Entertainment

Bringing a few things to keep your child entertained is almost a necessity on a long flight.

Bring On The Books

While bringing a lot of books would get pretty heavy, I would highly recommend bringing one or two favorites. You might even consider bringing a longer book, since you will have plenty of time to kill. You might spend part of the flight reading the book, or your toddler may be content to simply turn the pages and look at the pictures.

A Toy Or Two Doesn’t Hurt

Some toddlers have an amazing capacity to entertain themselves with simple toys. This might be a toy car or a choice stuffed animal. Whatever you decide to bring, it’s almost certain to make your little travel companion a little happier.


When you’re little one is finally tired of playing, a healthy snack can be just what the doctor ordered. The can be a great prelude to naptime as well.

Final Thoughts

Taking long trips with toddlers can certainly be a challenge at times. But, if you’re well prepared and have a few ideas in mind to keep your little one entertained, it’s bound to go a lot more smoothly.

Ryan HowardAbout Ryan Howard

Ryan Howard runs SmartParentAdvice a site that provides parenting advice for moms and dads. Ryan writes about all of the different ups and downs of parenting, provides solutions to common challenges, and reviews products that parents need to purchase for babies and toddlers.

View all posts by Ryan Howard here.


traveling toddlers


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