Essential Time Management Tips for Thriving as a Working Mother

Paul BatesPaul Bates
Blogger | Father of 2

Time management is an essential skill for everyone. We all have limited time to work and rest. It is that important for working moms to manage their time properly. According Healthychildren, over the years, the number of working mothers across the United States has increased drastically. More mothers are venturing into formal employment as a means of earning a living given the capitalistic nature of our economy. Nevertheless, the work takes quite a significant amount of their time that they might spend with their families. In the process, a significant number of the children grow up in childcare services while their parents are away at work. This change in the maternal breeding dynamics arises from the urge for career satisfaction as well as the need for more income within households. Mothers, thus, get back to a job within the first month after giving birth. Nonetheless, it is important that working moms manage their time effectively in order to lead fulfilling lives. Some essential time management tips for working moms include:

Creation of a work-sleep balance

For a working mom, it is essential to spend enough time sleeping and significantly enough time working. The creation of this balance ensures that the mother gets the much-needed rest before resuming working on any new task. Lack of enough sleep causes one to drag all day and waste a lot of time in the process. It is, thus, critical to schedule the duration of sleep as per the flexibility of your work routine. For individuals with fixed work routines, they can schedule a constant number of hours each day for sleeping and work likewise. In addition, a mother should also enforce their children’s sleeping time. The latter ensures that the whole family is rested and ready for work and school respectively the following morning. Nonetheless, the working hours should be sane and not cut into family time.

Working towards attainable daily goals

While trying to thrive as a working mom, time can be quite a limiting factor to the achievement of set goals and deadlines. Working mothers can thus set attainable daily goals to help them save time and make the most out of the time at hand. A good starting point is the creation of a schedule with well spelled out time limits. In case of extra time, it can be spent working on something else that might come in tomorrow. Regardless of these, a working mother should avoid multitasking. “Multitasking divides the attention on the work and thus limiting the quality of the output” – explains Jeff Holmes, Business Performance Director at SolidEssay. Performing a single activity within a given timeframe brings much success as opposed to multitasking activities.

Engaging in mindful activities

Mothers often do many activities at home and in the process forget to have some fun. However, it is essential for them to realize that too much work without rest can wear out any soul. To ensure maximum productivity, working mothers can practice mindful meditation and exercise to help them tune into their duties while feeling relaxed and void of any burnouts. Moreover, these conscious activities ensure body to rest and relieve the working mom of any stress that might limit her productivity.

A delegation of duties to save time

It is always tempting as a mother to want to oversee every activity within the household. As such, you might want to work on every duty with the intent of achieving perfection. However, such acts take up a lot of time. It is, thus, essential to trust that everything will work out and appropriately delegate duties.

Paul BatesAbout Paul Bates

Paul Bates is a blogger at Paper-Research, a father of two wonderful kids aged 3 and 1. Paul works as an online tutor at EssayTask, and helps with content management at DedicatedWriters.

View all posts by Paul Bates here.


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