This was my dilemma about five years ago. I am a boy mom. At that time my boys were eleven and seven years old respectively. Every day I felt like I was drowning. So many demands and not enough time. There had to be another way. How could I give my boys more autonomy with the confidence to start taking on age-appropriate responsibilities? My solution was to teach them goal-setting principles. The objective was making them conscious goal setters. This literally saved my sanity. Here are some tangible changes I saw with my boys. Read More
Let’s Stop Raising Mean Girls
Remember the Lindsay Lohan movie Mean Girls, where high school students created a burn book to spread rumors about each other? While I, too, enjoyed the movie and often joke with my friends that “on Wednesdays we wear pink,” the movie exposed some very harsh realities when it comes to bullying. Sadly, the issue has only progressed since the flick came out 15 years ago with the rise of social media, and the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why provided an even clearer picture of the nationwide epidemic. Read More
Positive Parenting After Divorce
Remaining positive during your divorce is difficult on a good day. This is especially true if you have children with your ex since there is more of an obligation to remain strong and maintain a routine. When you are a parent you do not have the luxury to have a personal meltdown or to drag your exes name through the mud.Emotions are usually high during a divorce. There are court battles, hurt feelings, and a complete change in lifestyle that can make it difficult to stay positive. Not to mention, being friendly with your ex is probably the last thing you want to do. However, for the sake of your children and their emotional and mental wellbeing, you must learn how to parent through divorce. Read More
Discipline & Behavior: Understanding Your Child
It can be difficult, if you’re in charge of caring for a child, to help them with their learning. It’s been a long time since you were their age, and you’ve forgotten what it’s like to be in the classroom, trying to take in all of this information. Read More
Life Changing Mom Tip!
I am pretty sure I was going to go insane hearing these questions. If you asked my kids, they probably would have told you that I WAS insane (Okay, they will probably tell you that I still am insane. But, I digress.) I needed a solution to the “take turns” chaos that ensues in my home every day all day at all times. Read More
Fun Projects to Help Teach Your Children about the Weather
With the USA being rated one of the countries with the most inclement weather in the world according to USA Today, it is important to teach our children about weather from a young age. Read More
Conquering Back to School Blues
The end of summer and beginning of another academic year can leave us parents feeling frazzled and stressed. I know I’m not alone in the feeling that we find our family schedules so full of “extras” that it can sometimes seem downright impossible to find the time to eat dinner together at the dining room table, let alone have meaningful conversations about our days. Read More
Printable Behavior Plans that Work!
Behavior charts are a fun and interactive way to encourage and motivate positive behavior. Read More
Why It’s Important to Talk to Your Children
It’s so important that we communicate to our children. We need to teach them, by role modeling for them, as best we can, how to honor their feelings, both high and low. Read More
GIVEAWAY: Hang In There Parenting Cards: On-the-Go Guides for Raising Toddlers
GOT KIDS? HANG IN THERE ‘CAUSE THESE WELL-TESTED STRATEGIES ARE HERE TO HELP. We’re giving away these Award-Winning Hang In There Parenting Cards: On-the-Go Guides for Raising Toddlers: From Breastfeeding to Meltdowns to Potty Training to 3 lucky winners! Read More