Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Claire N. Rubman, PhD

Claire N. Rubman, PhD. Featured

Thanks for joining us today as we get to know more about our honoree, Claire N. Rubman, PhD, and her Mom’s Choice Award-winning book This May Be Difficult to Read! This engaging book offers a new and productive approach to reading—and lets parents learn about brain development and the comprehension skills that children ages 3, 4, and 5 should be focusing on rather than fixating on letters, sounds and rote memorization. As Dr. Rubman says of her reading program: “We parents deserve to have more fun with our children!”   Read More

School Organizational Skills for Kids: A Parent’s Guide

Dr. Gage Featured

As the new school year begins, minimize stress by organizing your child’s routine. Organization, or lack thereof, is based on executive functions which are natural neurological processes, a group of critical mental skills. Individuals with adequate executive function skills can plan, organize, strategize, and manage time. They know which assignments are on the agenda after school and can prioritize. Read More

Parents Still Need to Teach Children Good Manners

Patricia P. Gage, Ph.D Parents Still Need to Teach Children Good Manners Featured

Living in a household with a strong-minded grandma, lovingly called “Yiayia”, for the last 30 years has served as a reminder of the importance of good manners and etiquette. There was no free pass for bad manners in our house. We didn’t realize the impact of her presence on our behavior and probably did not appreciate it as much as we should have until she was no longer with us. Read More

Must Have College Break Discussions

Must Have College Break Discussions Featured

College students are dropping out at alarming rates. Therapists and counselors are overwhelmed with the demand for mental health care and are struggling greatly to keep up. Parents are having the toughest discussions ever imagined with their students over winter break. Those discussions revolve around suicide and depression. Unfortunately, these topics are front and center for today’s college students. So how do you have those conversations? Read More

A Smooth Move To The City With School-Age Children

A Smooth Move To The City With School-Age Children Featured

Moving to a new city is one of the most stressful life events you can go through and when you’ve got school-age kids in tow, it can be even more of a strain. So, how do you ensure your kids quickly settle into their new home? Read More

Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Dr. Rhonda Spencer-Hwang

Dr. Rhonda Spencer-Hwang Featured

Mom’s Choice had the privilege of sitting down with the Award-Winning author of Raising Resilient Kids, Dr. Rhonda Spencer-Hwang! In Raising Resilient Kids, Dr. Spencer-Hwang reveals the intriguing findings from her research and offers eight principles for raising happier, healthier children who are equipped to flourish despite life’s inevitable adversities. Raising Resilient Kids is a blueprint for raising healthy children in the world we currently live in. It is absolutely a must-read for anyone, even those without kids of their own, as it provides immense knowledge on how to live a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to share more about her and her award-winning book with you! Read More

Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Kimberly Cabral

MCA Interview Series Featured image Kimberly Cabral

For this interview, we had the honor of talking with Kimberly Cabral, the founder and CEO of MASK (Mothers Awareness on School-age Kids), and the Publisher MASK The Magazine, the MCA award-winning parenting manual offering solutions to the modern-day challenges families face. Each issue of the quarterly award-winning MASK The Magazine is an amazing toolkit for parents and caregivers that tackles a specific topic in-depth and examines how it can affect kids from pre-kindergarten to college. Keep reading to find out more about Kimberly and her award-winning publication, MASK The Magazine! Read More