How to Navigate Cultural Halloween Costumes With Sensitivity

Mia Moody-Ramirez is a professor of journalism and public relations at Baylor University. She is also a nationally recognized expert on mass media representations of minorities, women, and other underrepresented groups. She says, “Common cultural appropriation missteps include darkening one’s face, wearing ethnic garb, and/or dressing up to provoke laughter rather than show respect for a group or person.” Read More

5 Ways to Combat Bullying at School

5 Ways to Combat Bullying at School

School is right around the corner, and with the fun and excitement of any new environment with school-aged children comes the threat of bullies. Statistics show that 160,000 kids stay home from school each day to avoid being bullied. While most schools have a zero-tolerance policy in the handbooks for bullying behavior, it is important to teach your children what to do when they find themselves in an uncomfortable situation at school. Read More

Dental Care Tips for Parents of Children with ADHD

Dental Care Tips for Parents of Children with ADHD

children with ADHD may have increased anxiety, fear, or behavioral issues when visiting the dentist. However, there are ways you can prepare at home prior to your child’s dental appointment that can help them to have a successful visit. Read More

How Financial Stability is Key for Our Children’s Development & Happiness

How Financial Stability is Key for Our Children’s Development & Happiness

Everyone knows that having money is useful, and not having money is very hard. Duh! Yet do we (as parents) fully understand how money plays a part in our children’s lives beyond just being able to buy them toys? Financial stability sounds like a boring topic, yet we as parents should care DEEPLY about the end result; having a happy, healthy and well-adjusted child. However, we may not always equate money with these traits. If you are looking for a nudge to get your finances in order then this is it, because financial stability is a critical component in your child’s development! Read More

3 Secrets to Thriving in Life with Food Allergies

3 Secrets to Thriving in Life with Food Allergies

Let’s face it, raising a child with food allergies can be so overwhelming! It’s easy to doubt your abilities, be confused or be really stressed out! As a fellow food allergy parent to a child with multiple life threatening food allergies – I totally understand and I’d like to share the 3 secrets I’ve learned along the way. Read More

Bed Rest During Pregnancy – How Does It Help?

Bed Rest During Pregnancy - How Does It Help

We all know, pregnancy is not an easy thing to deal with. The thoughts of the upcoming baby, taking care of your health and making preparations can be stressful and exhausting. During these times, doctors recommend bed rest. Many people think bed rest is something to be alarmed about. However, Bed rest is completely normal during pregnancy. Read More

Tips For Traveling With Toddlers

Tips For Traveling With Toddlers

A lot of parents are familiar with the challenges of traveling with infants. Even if you haven’t taken your baby with you on a trip, there is a good chance that you have sat on a flight and heard a baby crying a few seats away. The move from infancy to toddlerhood should mean it’s much easier to fly, right? Not exactly. Read More

It Turns out Sometimes Money CAN Buy Happiness (If It’s Used to Buy Time)

For the survey, over 6,000 people residing in the United States, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Canada were asked if they used money to buy themselves free time, and if so, how much they spent. The researchers then asked them about their stress levels and overall life satisfaction. Their findings concluded that those who reported buying time also had higher levels of life satisfaction and lower stress.  Read More