One Easy Way to Improve Your Relationship with Your Kid

Improve Your Relationship with Your Kid

So simple and yet so hard.

Sierra FilucciCommon Sense Media logo
Common Sense Media
Executive Editor, Parenting Content | Mom of Two

If you own a smartphone, chances are, you love it. You take pictures of your kids, stay in touch with friends and family, keep up with the news, and text your spouse reminders to pick up milk. It’s likely never more than an arm’s reach away, and it probably even journeys into the bathroom with you. It’s 2016, and that’s totally normal.

But despite your love for your phone, you probably also feel guilty about using it around your kids too much. You’ve heard experts predict the end of human connection thanks to iPhones, and you don’t want to be lumped in with the parents who ignore their kids during dinner because they’re absorbed in a game app. And while science hasn’t proven anything yet, it’s likely that today’s parents are a bit more distracted than they used to be.

So how can we embrace modern parenting, with the magic of technology at our fingertips, while still being responsible parents who aren’t too addicted to their little devices?

It’s all about taking control over your phone instead of letting it control you. In a nutshell: Put down your phone.

Set Boundaries

One of the benefits of modern technology is that you can be at your kid’s soccer game and respond to emails from the boss at the same time. But the experience is lost if you’re so distracted by work that you miss your kid score a goal. If your job is flexible enough, decide to only check email every 15 or 30 minutes. Your boss may even OK that hour off, since many companies are realizing that a good work-life balance results in employees who are happier, more loyal, and more productive.

Be Mindful

Phones have become so embedded in our lives that checking email or Twitter or baseball scores has become a habit. If you have any doubt about how addicted you are to your phone, try leaving it at home one day. You might be surprised at how often you reach for it (and then realize you actually can get along fine without it). To keep your phone use in check — especially around your kids — try creating new habits. First, disable all but the most crucial notifications that keep you constantly looking at your phone. And then, before you check your phone, ask yourself: Why am I checking my phone? If you don’t have a good reason, put it down.

Be a Role Model

Don’t you hate being ignored by someone who’s staring at their phone? It’s annoying, to say the least. And that’s just how your kids feel when they see you staring at your tiny screen when they’re trying to show you their new dance moves. Two tips: First, narrate what you’re doing on the phone. Kids might not be able to tell that you’re looking up directions to their friend’s birthday party unless you tell them. Second, if you really are ignoring them while you play games or “research” old boyfriends on Facebook, it might be time to rethink when and where you use your phone. If you limit your extracurricular phone time, you’ll be better able to expect the same from your kids.

SierraFilucciAbout Sierra Filucci

Sierra has been writing and editing professionally for more than a decade, with a special interest in women’s and family subjects. She has a master’s degree in journalism from the University of California at Berkeley,… Read more

View all posts by Sierra Filucci here.

This post was originally posted by Common Sense Media on 1/25/16.

Common Sense MediaAbout Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology. We exist because our kids are growing up in a culture that profoundly impacts their physical, social, and emotional well-being. We provide families with the advice and media reviews they need in order to make the best choices for their children. Through our education programs and policy efforts, Common Sense Media empowers parents, educators, and young people to become knowledgeable and responsible digital citizens. For more information, visit us at

7 Comments on “One Easy Way to Improve Your Relationship with Your Kid”

  1. I was guilty of paying to much attention to technology. I am slowly learning to live without my phone and computer. My kids appreciate the extra time and attention they get now.

    1. Yes! I’m sure your kids do appreciate it. It’s definitely a hard battle for lots of us to reduce the time we spend looking at screens. It’s so easy to get sucked in to them! But it sure feels good when we do cut them out for a while!

  2. Good post. i will keep that in mind. Sometimes I tend to forget about my kids when I am too engrossed with my phone. Will remember this post and try to change. thanks

    1. Thanks for the comment, Justin. It definitely sounds like it’d be worth it for you to set some restrictions for yourself on when/how often you’re allowed to check your phone at home. We have started doing that in our family for everyone (kids and parents) and it has worked wonders!

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