Navigating Parenting in the Digital Era

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, parenting has taken on new dimensions and challenges. The digital era offers unparalleled access to information, connectivity, and convenience, but it also brings concerns about screen time, online safety, and the impact of technology on children’s development. Navigating these complexities requires a balanced approach that embraces the benefits of technology while safeguarding against its potential pitfalls. Read More

Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Gwen Smith

MCA Interview Series Featured image

Hello, Mom’s Choice readers! We hope this finds you well- thank you for joining us for another installment of our interview series. For this installment, we had the pleasure of speaking with Gwen Smith, the VP of Marketing at Circle. Circle is the company responsible for the MCA award-winning product, Circle Home Plus! Circle Home Plus is a parental control device that allows parents the chance to keep an eye on their home network and protect their children’s phones and tablets. Monitoring apps like Circle Home Plus are essential for parenting in the digital age and allows for protection from a variety of threats such as identity theft, cyberbullying social media scams, and malicious content. Keep reading to find out more about Circle Home Plus! Read More

Reasons and Ways to Restrict Excessive Screen Time for Your Kids

Reasons and Ways to Restrict Excessive Screen Time for Your Kids

When you allow your toddler to spend a tremendous amount of screen time, it may result in delaying his development of certain skills like sociability and language as per the findings of a Canadian study. In the United States and Canada, experts believe that kids must not get exposed to screen time before they are 18 months of age, at least. Read More

Study Shows Half of School-Aged Kids Are Sleep-Deprived

Turns out that most families are in the same boat you are, but are less successful in getting their kids the sleep they need before school. A new study that pulled from 2016-2017 data from the National Survey of Children’s Health revealed that only 47.6% of school-aged children are getting the recommended 9 hours of sleep on weeknights.  Read More

Interview with Dave Schultze, Founder of Gridopolis Games

We have a really fun, playful product for you today. We sat down with Dave Schultze of Gridopolis Games. Gridopolis is a multiplayer strategy game that allows students to not only play the game in 2-D, but it is expandable so that you can build and play in three dimensions! Read More

How Families Benefit from an Outdoor Vacation

How Families Benefit from an Outdoor Vacation

The average American child spends only four to seven minutes on unstructured outdoor play,  and five to eight hours per day in front of a digital screen. High rates of childhood obesity,  a shorter life span, and difficulties concentrating are just a few effects of our current ‘divorce’ from nature, so if you are planning a summer vacation, try to take it outdoors. Read More