Teach Your Children to Enjoy Spending Time on the Ice With Complete Confidence

Teach Your Children to Enjoy Spending Time on the Ice With Complete Confidence

Most Olympic skaters get started at a very young age – between 5 and 8 years old. Of course, there’s no need to turn your child into an Olympic skating champion! But if your child can walk, they can learn to ice skate. During and after the Winter Olympics, many kids get interested in ice skating after seeing it for the first time. If your 3-year-old shows an interest in ice skating and you’re looking for a new fun activity, there’s no reason you have to wait until they are older. Read More

Outdoor Play – Its Simplicity and Its Brilliance

Outdoor Play - Its simplicity and Its Brilliance Featured

There is a whole world waiting, just outside your door and the magical fairy dust in the air truly soothes the soul. The effects of the fairy dust? It helps regulate attention, behaviour AND improves overall happiness. Read More

Pre-Reading Early Literacy Guide Using Storybooks

Pre-Reading Early Literacy Guide Using Storybooks Featured

Most parents do not have the educational background in teaching young children speech and language. Obviously, the easiest method is simply storybook reading. There are a few strategies that parents can use that will facilitate greater pre-reading and speech and language skills. This blog will number them for parents who do not have the background in early education. Read More

Must Have College Break Discussions

Must Have College Break Discussions Featured

College students are dropping out at alarming rates. Therapists and counselors are overwhelmed with the demand for mental health care and are struggling greatly to keep up. Parents are having the toughest discussions ever imagined with their students over winter break. Those discussions revolve around suicide and depression. Unfortunately, these topics are front and center for today’s college students. So how do you have those conversations? Read More

A Smooth Move To The City With School-Age Children

A Smooth Move To The City With School-Age Children Featured

Moving to a new city is one of the most stressful life events you can go through and when you’ve got school-age kids in tow, it can be even more of a strain. So, how do you ensure your kids quickly settle into their new home? Read More