Creative Project Ideas to Inspire Your Students

Creative Project Ideas to Inspire Your Students

Draven Jackson Blogger | Teacher Twitter As many teachers know, one of the hardest parts about creating a syllabus for the year is thinking of creative project ideas or interesting lessons that will keep students engaged and active. It’s nearly impossible to keep all your students’ interest with every single assignment, but it’s good to incorporate a plethora of lesson types into your classes in order to try and provide … Read More

School Organizational Skills for Kids: A Parent’s Guide

Dr. Gage Featured

As the new school year begins, minimize stress by organizing your child’s routine. Organization, or lack thereof, is based on executive functions which are natural neurological processes, a group of critical mental skills. Individuals with adequate executive function skills can plan, organize, strategize, and manage time. They know which assignments are on the agenda after school and can prioritize. Read More

Pre-Reading Early Literacy Guide Using Storybooks

Pre-Reading Early Literacy Guide Using Storybooks Featured

Most parents do not have the educational background in teaching young children speech and language. Obviously, the easiest method is simply storybook reading. There are a few strategies that parents can use that will facilitate greater pre-reading and speech and language skills. This blog will number them for parents who do not have the background in early education. Read More