Join Mom’s Choice Awards in Commemorating Autism Awareness Month!

April is Autism Acceptance Month, a time to celebrate and support individuals on the autism spectrum, as well as raise awareness about autism spectrum disorder (ASD). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 1 in 54 children in the United States is diagnosed with ASD, highlighting the importance of understanding and acceptance within our communities. Read More

Special Education in U.S.A

Priya featured image

The core of Special Education is the students accessing education/ quality life and Parent/ Al Advocacies along with all supports & services. Embracing the reality about the current rising trend of disabilities versus the availability of services and resources would be crucial. They need to understand and become familiar with their rights and Law- implementations. Read More

SGDs: Helper or Impeder?

SGDs: Helper or Impeder? Featured

SGDs (Speech Generating Devices) are Helpers. When SGDs are handled systematically it helps in language acquisition and helps to express/communicate – wants, needs ,thoughts and ideas. With a therapist having an expertise in both SLP/ AT specialization would be crucial. Read More

The Power of Attitude & Beliefs in Individualized Education Programs

The Power of Attitude & Beliefs in Individualized Education Programs Featured

Attitude & Belief(s) from various stakeholders in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team can have a massive impact on the IEPs. The A & B(s) manifestations are quite insignificant initially as these are invisible. With time it gets inherited from one tier to the other and gets carried to gain power incrementally. Later upon reflection, this A & B(s) was square 1 along with other factors. Becoming aware – of their existence and their mechanisms in the IEPs will be significant for IEP implementations. Thus A & B(s) play a pivotal role in IEPs. Positive A & B(s) from team members( parents, teachers, Director and therapists etc.) would reflect as skills acquisitions and growth while Negative ones can cause slow-limited gains in the IEPs, unless these dynamics are changed. Read More

Welcome to April: The Evolving Autism Awareness Month

Welcome to April: The Evolving Autism Awareness Month Featured

“It is not enough to merely be aware of autism in your mind; it is important to accept neurodiversity in your heart. And that acceptance must translate to action, inclusion, and opportunities! People must look deeper than outward characteristics and seek to learn the complexities that lie beneath the surface of every person.” Read More

Comedian Amy Schumer Perfectly Responds to Fan Asking What She’d Do If Her Son Had Autism

“How I cope? I don’t see being on the spectrum as a negative thing,” she said. “My husband is my favorite person I’ve ever met. He’s kind, hilarious, interesting, and talented, and I admire him. Am I supposed to hope my son isn’t like that? I will pay attention and try and provide him with the tools he needs to overcome whatever challenges come up, like all parents.” Read More

Trying To Find Grace Within Faith In Special Needs Motherhood

Trying To Find Grace Within Faith In Special Needs Motherhood

Faith is knowing God is real, like you know that the wind is real. You cannot see the wind but you can always feel it. You will never be able to see faith but, you will always be able to feel it. Grace is peace. Grace is acceptance. How do you find grace within faith when your child is sick? I’ve been searching for grace for two years now, and every time I think I have found it death comes walking in the door like a holder to even the smallest amount I think I may have found. Read More