Yoga Poses That Mom and Kids Can Try Together

Yoga Poses That Mom and Kids Can Try Together

Lucy BentonLucy Benton

Yoga is a nice way to keep your body fit and healthy, and maintain your mind calm and possessed. These are only a couple of reasons why people choose yoga classes over going to a gym. For someone, yoga is also associated with stress reduction, and someone pursues yoga’s main goal, which is, to reach joy and happiness.

Yoga is also a great way to help your kids keep fit. Children are usually very active, but when it comes to school, their activeness drops, as they start sitting behind the desk more. What you can do as a parent is to practice some yoga with your kid after school. Here are 5 basic yoga poses you can try with your kid.

1) Upward Salute

It’s always nice to start exercising with a little stretch. Upward Salute pose or Urdhva Hastasana has many benefits, as it stretches your body, shoulders spine and belly. It’s also beneficial for those who struggle with asthma, as it creates a space in the chest, which helps you inhale freely, thus filling your body with oxygen.

How to do it? Stand up and turn your arms outward. Take a deep breath, and while inhaling, raise your arms over your head and put them together. Then start stretching slightly and make sure that every muscle in your body is actively stretching out.

Therapeutic effects: helps reduce symptoms of asthma, indigestion, backaches.
Warning: avoid this pose if you’re having neck our shoulder injuries.

2) Extended Side Angle Pose

Continue stretching with this beneficial yoga position. It helps stretch your waist, strengthens the quadriceps as well as the sides of your body. Also, it creates space in your chest, which benefits the strength of your heart and arteries.

This is a great pose for your kids, as they spend a lot of time behind the desk at school. It will help them fill the body with oxygen and stretch the muscles after sitting for a long time.

How to do it? Stand up. Then, while exhaling, step your feet 3 to 4 feet apart. Raise your arms so that they are parallel to the floor, palms down. Slightly turn your left foot in. Then, while inhaling, start turning your body slowly, right arm touching the right leg, left arm up. Look up to your left arm and try to stretch your body.

Therapeutic effects: helps fight against a low backache, sciatica, and osteoporosis.

Warning: avoid this pose, if you’re suffering from a headache, insomnia, hypertension or hypotension.

3) Happy Baby Pose

Happy Baby pose has many benefits, like stretching inner thighs, back of the legs, and also helps your back relax. This pose is very simple and will be a good exercise for you and your kid, especially if you’re tired after a long day at school and at work.

How to do it? Lie on your back. While exhaling, slowly bend your knees tightly to your belly. Grab the outsides of your feet and open your knees, spreading them a little bit wider than your torso.

Therapeutic effects: stretches your legs and lower back, relieves stress.

Warning: avoid this pose if you have neck or knee injury. Also, avoid doing this pose if you’re pregnant.

4) Downward-Facing Dog

This one of the most famous yoga poses. Many yoga beginners choose this pose as their most favorite, as it allows to involve your whole body.

This is one of the poses people often choose to do when they have a break at work. “As I spend a lot of time behind the computer, I have very little time to exercise”, says Bob Mitchell, an editor at Pro Write. “Whenever I have a break, I close my office and do this pose. It helps stretch my body and relax a little”.

How to do it? Stand on the floor on your hands and knees. Knees should be directly below the hips and hand should be slightly moved forward. While exhaling, raise your knees off the floor. Stretch your hips and back, your body should form a perfect triangle.

Therapeutic effects: this pose very beneficial, as it helps strengthen your arms and legs, prevents osteoporosis, relieves a headache and improves digestion.

Warning: avoid this pose if you have a severe headache or hypertension.

5) Easy Pose

Find tranquility and relieve stress with this beneficial Easy Pose. This is also good for stretching your knees and opening the ankles. In general, it’s a very nice pose to finish exercising.

How to do it? Sit down on the floor, but make sure you have a good support (simply put a blanket under). Stretch your legs in front of your torso. Then, start slowly crossing your shins and widening your knees, put each foot under an opposite knee, thus folding your legs. Close your eyes and enjoy the tranquility.

Therapeutic effects: helps strengthen your back and legs, as well as calm your mind and body.

Warning: avoid this pose if you have a knee injury.

Yoga is very beneficial for our body and mind. It helps relax and relieves pain. But it’s also a fun activity for both parents and children. It will help you kids stay fit and are also a good opportunity to bond with your children. Enjoy!

Mari VanPeltAbout Lucy Benton

Lucy Benton is a writing coach, an editor who finds her passion in expressing own thoughts as a blogger and currently works at Assignment Helper. She is constantly looking for the ways to improve her skills and expertise.



yoga kids

8 Comments on “Yoga Poses That Mom and Kids Can Try Together”

  1. These are great ideas, my kids learned some yoga poses at school and loved them. I’ll have to give this a try at home.

  2. What a fun and healthy way to spend time with the little ones . I do yoga with my grandson and he just loves it

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