7 Types of ADHD | Does your child have the correct ADHD diagnosis?

ADHD Diagnosis

The past few week I’ve been blogging about the 7 Types of ADHD (Classic, Inattentive, Over-Focused, Temporal Lobe, Limbic, Ring of Fire, and ADHD with Anxiety), Dr. Daniel Amen’s identifications. As scientists and behaviorists learn more and more about ADHD, it really is imperative that we keep up with the times and, for moms and dads, our parenting decisions. Read More

7 Types of ADHD | Type 7: ADD with Anxiety

ADD with Anxiety

Expert Yafa Crane Luria talks to us about the causes, symptoms and treatment for people with Anxious ADD. People with Anxious ADD often avoid conflict like the plague, unlike other ADD types that tend to be more excitement and conflict seeking. Read More

7 Types of ADHD | Type 1: Classic ADHD

Classic Type Adhd

Classic ADHD is the most commonly known type of ADHD. In fact, many people think it’s the only kind there is. Here are some symptoms, causes and treatments for classic ADHD. Read More