Bedtime Snacks Help Kids Sleep

Bedtime Snacks Help Kids Sleep

If dinner is at 5:30 p.m. it makes perfect sense that your child will be hungry again at 8:30 pm. So, go ahead and give them a bedtime snack. They aren’t necessarily trying to postpone sleep; they might just need some calories to get them through the night. Read More

Mom Chronicles: Celebrations & Mishaps

Mom Chronicles: Celebrations and Mishaps

My most profound memories stand out as moments of extreme joy or pain. Many of the most joyous ones happened during celebrations when I embraced my family’s love, received gifts, ate favorite foods, dressed in new clothes, and felt perfectly carefree without school or other obligations. Read More

10 Outdoor Spring Activities for Families

spring activities outdoors

Now that the warm weather is officially here to stay, it’s time to get outside and enjoy the longer days with our families! Weekends can easily feel jam-packed with activities or errands, but it’s always a good idea to slow down and take moments where you can get them. Read More

Parents: What I Wish You Would Do

Parents: What I Wish You Would Do

As we enter the playground area, your child immediately points to mine, calling loudly “Mom, look at HER!” You quickly hush him, calling him to you to quietly reprimand him. Read More

To All Women, When Mother’s Day is Hard

Mother's Day painful

The sad truth is, if you could survey the women in the room, statistically, you would find that there are very few who would be untouched by miscarriage, infertility, broken marriages and families, or death. So why is it so unheard of for these hurts to be acknowledged in the same breath as we acknowledge the amazing work of motherhood? My prayer is that we find a way to boldly acknowledge pain while still celebrating the gift of Motherhood in an intentional way. Read More

I Was Worried I Would Be Jealous of My Daughter

I Was Worried I'd Be Jealous of My Daughter

Looking back, I can’t believe there was ever a time I was actually worried I would be jealous of my own daughter. But there was time this thought did cross my mind, and it was long before any of my three girls were even born. Read More