Must Have College Break Discussions

Must Have College Break Discussions Featured

College students are dropping out at alarming rates. Therapists and counselors are overwhelmed with the demand for mental health care and are struggling greatly to keep up. Parents are having the toughest discussions ever imagined with their students over winter break. Those discussions revolve around suicide and depression. Unfortunately, these topics are front and center for today’s college students. So how do you have those conversations? Read More

How Teaching My Kids Goal-Setting Skills Saved My Sanity

How Teaching My Kids Goal-Setting Skills Saved My Sanity

This was my dilemma about five years ago. I am a boy mom. At that time my boys were eleven and seven years old respectively. Every day I felt like I was drowning. So many demands and not enough time. There had to be another way. How could I give my boys more autonomy with the confidence to start taking on age-appropriate responsibilities? My solution was to teach them goal-setting principles. The objective was making them conscious goal setters. This literally saved my sanity. Here are some tangible changes I saw with my boys. Read More