The Myth of the Happy Modern Mom

happy mom

If we continue to tell ourselves, and each other, that it’s normal and expected to not enjoy these child-rearing years, we’re perpetuating a mentality that lends itself to missing out on literal decades of our lives. And our children’s lives. Poof. They’re gone; they’ve disappeared into an abyss while we resigned ourselves to being miserable. And do you know what the sad thing is about time? It’s impossible to get it back. Read More

Giveaway! Dinosaurs Living in My Hair!

Dinosaurs Living in My Hair giveaway!

We know many of you are probably starting to think about shopping for the holidays. So for our next giveaway, we wanted to do something that we thought would make a great holiday gift. With that in mind, we’re giving away TEN copies of the Mom’s Choice Award-winning children’s book, Dinosaurs Living in My Hair. Enter for your chance to be one of ten winners in the widget below. Dinosaurs … Read More

Five Ways My Miscarriages Changed Me

Those years of grief won’t be forgotten, and neither will those lives. I’m certain I’ll always remember their due dates, and the order of siblings that would have been, had we been allowed to have our children. I’m okay with reflecting on the dark times and feeling twinges of that familiar heartache. It gets easier, but it never goes away. It’s fitting to grieve what will never be. Read More