Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Amanda M. Thrasher

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Mom’s Choice Awards is excited to announce another post in our interview series where we chat with the inventors, designers, publishers, and others behind some of our favorite family-friendly products.

Today it’s our very great pleasure to speak with Amanda M. Thrasher, award-winning author of children’s and young adult books and a multiple Mom’s Choice Awards Gold recipient. In Amanda’s heart-stealing Mischief series, young readers are sure to love joining Lilly, Boris, and Jack on unforgettable journeys filled with excitement, laughter, and a touch of mayhem as these three fairies and friends learn all-important life lessons. The Mischief Series, she tells us, was purposely written to be timeless, whimsical, and a lovely fantasy adventure with likable characters everyone can enjoy—as are the gentle life lessons entwined throughout the pages. Today’s, the author is joining us to tell us more about Frowns and Gownsthe fifth book in this captivating series.

MCA: Amanda, it’s terrific to be able to hear from you. To start off the interview, please tell us something about yourself.

I was born in England, moved to Texas, and reside there still. I’m an award-winning author of Young Adult, General Fiction, Middle Grade, Early Reader Chapter, and Picture Books. I am grateful my work is a Gold Recipient of The Mom’s Choice Awards® (MCA), and I believe it demonstrates consistency in the quality of the work I love to write.

In addition to my personal fiction work, I was contracted to write a graphic novel for the Driving on the Right Side of the Road Program. The publication is part of the Driving on the Right Side of the Road (DRSR) program, developed by the Law-Related Education Department of the State Bar of Texas Law Focused Education, Inc., and the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center with funding from the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals and the Texas Department of Transportation. The program aims to offer a preventive educational program to encourage responsible decision-making regarding obeying traffic laws and following safe practices. The graphic novel was adapted into a reader’s theater for as few as five speakers or as many as twenty-six.

I am the founder and CEO of an independent press, Progressive Rising Phoenix Press, where I assist authors with their work and their publishing journey.

MCA: Amanda, that’s a fascinating background—you’ve obviously been involved in some critically important disciplines and projects. Would you also share with our readers more about your own path to becoming a writer? 

Like most writers, my journey began as a child. I loved words and how my poems and stories entertained the people I shared them with. I realized at a young age that words held power over other people’s emotions. Often, I intended to make my readers (parents, friends, teachers) laugh. My short stories seemed to do the trick, and I fell in love with creative writing and bringing words on a page to life for others to enjoy.

I was inspired to turn my journey from being a writer to becoming an author to honor my mom. She was my biggest supporter, loving my stories and poems, and encouraged me to write professionally—or at least to try. Being from England, she loved fairies, and when she became ill, I wrote her Mischief in the Mushroom Patch. It was the book that started my author journey. To this day, The Mischief Series brings me so much joy to write.

MCA: How wonderful that your mother was such an inspiration. What was your motivation for writing Frowns and Gowns—the latest book in your captivating fairy series?

Frowns and Gowns is the fifth installment of my Mischief Series. I was inspired to write it by my continuing desire to show readers the fairy world that I had created was relatable to young readers, their parents, grandparents, or teachers. I wanted the festive fun of a magical ball but didn’t want to lose sight of the incredible teamwork of the fairy friends that it would take to make the ball possible. I also wanted to include a minor catastrophe the young fairies would have to overcome that would require the help of the elders. Ultimately, I wanted my young readers to experience a magical adventure with Lilly, Boris, Jack, and friends.

MCA: Are there any life lessons that young readers will take away from this book?

The critical lessons in the book are the true meaning of friendship and the power of teamwork. Plus, overcoming obstacles as the young fairies learn valuable lessons and create unforgettable memories. Without a doubt, I can ensure my readers will walk away knowing teamwork, integrity, and valuable friendships are important in life.

MCA: With all the books you’ve authored, I imagine you have some terrific other projects underway. Could you let us know what’s next for you?

I am currently writing book number six of The Mischief Series. Writing this series brings me so much joy, and I hope my readers will love the characters as much as I do. Lilly, the quick-witted and resourceful fairy, Boris, the mischievous fairy with a heart of gold, and Jack, with a curious, adventurous spirit, come together again with their friends for a brand-new adventure.

MCA: We certainly wish you the best as you bring out the next installments in this wonderful series. Thank you for taking the time to chat with us!

You can learn more about Roberta Taylor and her award-winning book, Frowns and Gowns, by visiting her MCA Shop pages.

Interview With Yvonne M Morgan

3 Comments on “Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Amanda M. Thrasher”

  1. Takes a special kind of talent to be a children’s book author and have lots of creative and gentle ideas for bookwriting and story crafting. Good article.

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