Nature Learning Activities for Kids and Why They Are Important

Kate Newberry Featured

The more kids stay connected with their computers, the more likely they are to disconnect to the natural world around them. Future generations must know how to face the challenges likely to confront them. One way to do that is by engaging kids to preserve the ecosystem so they will carry the fight forward. That starts by connecting children to nature, a contact too many no longer have. Here are some ways to educate young minds through fun and engaging activities. Read More

How Gardening Can Help the Mental Health of Your Child

Gardening Can Help the Mental Health Featured Image

When Dell Children’s Medical Center in Austin, Texas, opened a new inpatient mental health unit, the healing garden on the grounds was no afterthought. Research shows that access to green space has a beneficial effect on children’s mental health. Getting outside is calming, and getting outside and doing something can be even more helpful. Read More

How Families Benefit from an Outdoor Vacation

How Families Benefit from an Outdoor Vacation

The average American child spends only four to seven minutes on unstructured outdoor play,  and five to eight hours per day in front of a digital screen. High rates of childhood obesity,  a shorter life span, and difficulties concentrating are just a few effects of our current ‘divorce’ from nature, so if you are planning a summer vacation, try to take it outdoors. Read More

6 Outdoor DIY Projects That Helped Me Bond With My Son

6 Outdoor DIY Projects That Helped Me Bond With My Son

Now that the worst of winter is over, it’s time to leave the comfort of the warmer indoors. Time to head outside for some fun with your family. What better way to bond than with some DIY garden furniture that the entire family can enjoy? Read More

10 Outdoor Spring Activities for Families

spring activities outdoors

Now that the warm weather is officially here to stay, it’s time to get outside and enjoy the longer days with our families! Weekends can easily feel jam-packed with activities or errands, but it’s always a good idea to slow down and take moments where you can get them. Read More