How Financial Stability is Key for Our Children’s Development & Happiness

How Financial Stability is Key for Our Children’s Development & Happiness

Everyone knows that having money is useful, and not having money is very hard. Duh! Yet do we (as parents) fully understand how money plays a part in our children’s lives beyond just being able to buy them toys? Financial stability sounds like a boring topic, yet we as parents should care DEEPLY about the end result; having a happy, healthy and well-adjusted child. However, we may not always equate money with these traits. If you are looking for a nudge to get your finances in order then this is it, because financial stability is a critical component in your child’s development! Read More

How To Talk To Your Kids About Money Management

How To Talk To Your Kids About Money Management

Have you ever talked to your kids about money, or is the subject taboo within your household, for whatever reason? Sooner or later, you’re still going to have to have the finance conversation with your children. You certainly wouldn’t want them to learn about money matters from the Kardashians or any social media “influencer” whose idea of money management is spending it on the most frivolous things. Read More