Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Chesand Gregory

Chesand "Chessi" Gregory, parent's pick author

For this interview, we were able to speak with Chesand “Chessi” Gregory, author of the MCA award-winning book Did Santa Wear A Mask?. Did Santa Wear A Mask? is a magical adventure about two brothers who are on a quest to help Santa save Christmas! Did Santa Wear A Mask? is a book that is sure to get your little ones into the holiday spirit, while incorporating the ongoing pandemic in a way that is both relatable and entertaining. You and your little ones are not going to be able to put this book down! Keep reading to find out more about Chessi and how she brought her unique children’s holiday book to life! Read More

Halloween Can Be Just as Sweet This Year

Halloween Can Be Just as Sweet This Year Featured Image

This is the year to try out some new Halloween activities and experiences with your kids…you might just find some favorites that will become ongoing traditions for your family. One way or another, this will likely be one of their most memorable Halloweens ever! Read More

Toxins, Cleaning, Children and the COVID-19 Virus

Toxins, Cleaning, Children and the COVID-19 virus Featured Image

“Environmental health experts warn that relying too heavily on disinfectants to prevent the spread of infection could actually create more dangers, especially if chemical cleaners are used when children are present.”[vi] Read More

Learning Activities That Don’t Feel Like Work

Kelly Rupiper Featured Image

How can we ensure that our kids are staying engaged and learning without asking too much of them (and ourselves)? Here are some easy ideas that will enhance and supplement what your kids are learning through school during their free time at home, without feeling like just more of the same. Read More

THE PAUSE: Finding Peaceful Resolve in Chaos

THE PAUSE: Finding Peaceful Resolve in Chaos featured image

Each day as I awake, the first question that comes to mind is, how much longer can I sustain this pause? This physical separation from my three boys, their wives, and my grandchildren needs to end! My mind races with all the unfortunate coronavirus statistics reported on the news causing this pause. It could be a year or so before I can feel comfortable and safe to commune with loved ones and friends. Read More

A Teacher’s Promise: From this Season, You will Grow

A Teacher's Promise From this Season You will Grow

I know that you have been working hard to prepare for exams that you will no longer take. I know that you’ve committed yourself to months of rehearsals for a show that will no longer be seen, and that you’ve practiced for hours on a team that can no longer play the game. I am sorry for your feelings of loss and urge you not to give up on those goals, but instead, to view this season as an opportunity to continue to grow. You’ve been isolated from your friends, your teachers, your school. The comfort of your home has been tainted by the weight of heavy air, tense energy, short responses, and stern expressions. I am sorry that you are scared—for so many reasons. But, I want you to know—from this season, you will grow. Read More

COVID-19: Free Resources to Help Parents & Teachers

COVID19 Free Resources to Help Parents & Teachers

During these unprecedented times, we know it may be hard to stay home and work with the littles ones home from school. To keep safe, sharp and sane we have consolidated a list of free resources provided by our amazing Honorees. Read More