4 Financial Challenges As A Single Parent

4 Financial Challenges As A Single Parent

When your parents said “it takes a village to raise a child”, they weren’t kidding. So, how are single parents supposed to take on the challenge? Here are 4 financial challenges single parents face and tips on how to fix them! Read More

How Financial Stability is Key for Our Children’s Development & Happiness

How Financial Stability is Key for Our Children’s Development & Happiness

Everyone knows that having money is useful, and not having money is very hard. Duh! Yet do we (as parents) fully understand how money plays a part in our children’s lives beyond just being able to buy them toys? Financial stability sounds like a boring topic, yet we as parents should care DEEPLY about the end result; having a happy, healthy and well-adjusted child. However, we may not always equate money with these traits. If you are looking for a nudge to get your finances in order then this is it, because financial stability is a critical component in your child’s development! Read More

5 Tips For Buying Your Family’s Dream Home on a Budget

Purchasing your family’s dream home is stressful. You add kids and an already tight budget to the mix and it can be downright unbearable. The good news is: it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to make the process of homebuying budget-friendly. Read More