Love Your Pet Day: Teaching Kids About Raising a Pet

Love Your Pet Day: Teaching Kids About Raising a Pet (image)

Educating your children about animal care while they’re young can be a great way to teach kids about responsibility, introduce them to the concept of chores, and show them the incredible love and loyalty that pets can bring to your family. Read More

Childhood Memories: What I Hope They Remember

childhood memories

I don’t know why, but I think, in some way, I’ve gone through my kids’ almost five years not realizing that their memories are being collected now. Not in the future. Today. We are fully in the thick of life, where the hours turn into days and days into weeks, and so on. Read More

11 Things You Never Thought About Before You Were a Mom

Before I was a parent, there were so many things I didn’t know or didn’t really understand. The big things were easy to spot – complete and total lack of sleep, absolutely no self-time, how much coffee would be vital to my existence… Read More