How Teaching My Kids Goal-Setting Skills Saved My Sanity

How Teaching My Kids Goal-Setting Skills Saved My Sanity

This was my dilemma about five years ago. I am a boy mom. At that time my boys were eleven and seven years old respectively. Every day I felt like I was drowning. So many demands and not enough time. There had to be another way. How could I give my boys more autonomy with the confidence to start taking on age-appropriate responsibilities? My solution was to teach them goal-setting principles. The objective was making them conscious goal setters. This literally saved my sanity. Here are some tangible changes I saw with my boys. Read More

“Fiver” Birthday Parties Are On The Rise, Here’s What They Are

Not only does it cut down on the dicey process of children opening up dozens of presents in front of their guests (and potentially having less-than-stellar responses to repeat gifts, for example), it allows the birthday child to put their gifts towards something they’ve been saving up for, or maybe an experience, like a movie at the theater or a season pass to the museum. Read More

Interview With Heidi Stock, Creator of Whistlefritz CARNAVAL

The benefits of learning a second language are myriad.  There are obvious benefits – such as being able to communicate with more people and learn about other cultures – but there are less obvious benefits too.  Research shows that bilinguals develop stronger cognitive and brain processes that enable them to function better in areas that are both related and unrelated to speaking another language. Read More

4 Ways Your Family Can Practice Gratitude This November

No matter what you decide to do this holiday season, remember to take pauses to think about, verbalize, and act out your thankfulness. Not only are you doing yourself a favor, but you’re teaching your kids tools to be healthier, more well-rounded members of society.  Read More