
"Misunderstood" Featured Image

Deanna Danielle HeadshotDeanna Danielle
Teacher | Catechist
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Waiting for something beautiful to bloom

John Chapman was known to be unconventional and/or slightly strange, yet, his story lives on in the folk hero better known as Johnny Appleseed. John established orchards throughout the American Midwest because he had been given the precious gift of vision and knowledge, yet, it was the determination and drive to share what he was given, that has left us with reaping benefits. Note: Orchards donโ€™t grow overnight, they can take 7 to 10 years before there is any fruit. However, from there, you have a tree entitled to bear for centuries!"Misunderstood" Article Image

Have you ever tucked seeds into the dirt, and waited for something beautiful to bloom? For me, I recall it being my favorite time of the year in the breath-taking season of Autumn. The leaves on the trees were starting to change their color and the air was crisp and with a light dew when I gave my 1st graders a few seeds, some dirt, and tiny terra-cotta pots. Filled with enthusiasm, my class was ready for action as questions, thoughts, and wonder-filled the air, โ€œCan I have some more seeds,โ€ โ€œWhen will it grow,โ€ โ€œIโ€™m going to put mine in the sun.โ€ All around me were bright happy faces, as I watched them cultivate the soil.

As tiny as they may be, seeds have within them, everything they need to become all that they were created to be. The Parable of the Mustard Seed produces evidence for this notion, โ€œThough it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.โ€ [Matthew 13:31-32]

In the same way, there is an opportunity to plant seeds of ambition to take fresh root and thrive, in the lives of those we have been given to love. To cultivate the best possible environment to help ensure healthy growth in the lives of our men, women, and children, the truth must be taught. Before my grandmother entered into the gates of heaven, she shared with me some beautiful memories of letters that my dad had sent to her while he was in the army. Her biggest regret was that she did not keep them all. She said; โ€œIt would have been a book in itself!โ€ Several years later in 2012, as our younger son prepared for Italy, I shared my grandmotherโ€™s story with him. I suggested he journal his semester abroad so that someday his children and grandchildren could hear all about his experience. His response, โ€œIโ€™ll think about itโ€ฆโ€ as he was soon to board the plane. Several weeks into his trip I received an e-mail that read, โ€œWhatโ€™s up momโ€ฆ I know you wanted to me write a journal but Iโ€™m probably not going to do that. Bobby is a pretty good writer though, and he has a blog online. So far he has made a post for every day. If you want to keep up on what weโ€™re doing, you can read it atโ€ฆ He has pictures to go along with it. Tell Vin, Dad, and the girls I said hi. love you. โ€“ Joe.โ€ As curiosity grabbed me by the hand, I clicked on to read his friend’s observations. His blog was informative, funny, and straight to the point. So much so, that it inspired me to share my journey of teaching and the heart of the classroom through my own blog. Through my grandmotherโ€™s story, Iโ€™ve embraced the planted words of her loving regret and have been encouraged to not only write it down and keep it but to share it as well.

There is a paradox that my son shared with me in the conception of free will called Buridanโ€™s Donkey. It dates back to the 14th century, wherein a donkey that is equally hungry and thirsty is placed precisely midway between a stack of hay and a pail of water. Since he couldnโ€™t make a rational decision between the hay and water, he dies of both hunger and thirst. In life, we may not always know the best route to take, still, movement is important. Pray first, then take the necessary steps.

Many great treasures get lost and are easily misunderstood in the power of time, size, and struggle. I pray that we never lose sight of this incredibly precious moment, while we are waiting for something beautiful to bloom. Words from Solomon remind us โ€œThere is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.โ€ [Ecclesiastes 3] Life, like a seed is a process. Our activity, choices, and tasks of daily work in this world are meaningful as we rely on Godโ€™s wisdom (planting), timing (watering), and goodness (sprouting).

From an activity in the classroom and my grandma sharing her heartfelt thoughts to my sonโ€™s e-mail, my Blog Bloomed!

What is within you that is waiting to sprout? Donโ€™t be afraid to make the move!

Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life. [Proverbs 19:20]

โ€œFor such a time as this.โ€ [Esther 4:13-14]

A teacher is not so much responsible for what our students know, but more so for the seeds we plant to help them grow.

Father in the Name of Jesus, by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, be with us, direct our path, fill us with the riches of Your grace, transform our mind with a healthy balance that is good for our body and soul. Guide us with Your gracious love, that we may press forward to being all that You created us to be. In Your Holy Name, we prayโ€ฆAmen

Sweet blessings always,

Deanna Danielle


The views of the author do not necessarily reflect the views of MCA

Deanna Danielle HeadshotAbout Deanna Danielle

With over eighteen years of Christian teaching background, Deanna Danielle has found that the best way to engage her class is through bringing topics to life by taking what is โ€œoldโ€ and making it new and relatable in todayโ€™s context. She believes that a teacher is not so much responsible for what their students know, but more so for the seeds they plant to help them grow. Her Blogs are to inspire a self-realization journey helping readers discover their hidden treasures within, by connecting biblical truths with modern-day examples of faith.

She has published two books and has many projects currently in the works. โ€˜An Ordinary Person, An Extraordinary Giftโ€™, won a Momโ€™s Choice Award, and โ€˜Christmas Mornโ€™, which was published a year prior was considered a โ€œTop Tier Highest Selling Book for Non-celebrities.โ€ More recently, Deanna Danielle’s childrenโ€™s book, Sheli, is in the final stages of illustration, DELILAH, The Secret of Great Strength, a collection of valuable teachings to stimulate, motivate and cultivate the beauty in one’s life, through the living word of God, is waiting for publication and her feature-length film script, โ€œIn My Weakness,โ€ has been reviewed by several producers.

To see more, view all posts by Deanna Danielle here, or visit her website Deannadanielle.com.



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25 Comments on “Misunderstood”

  1. Great words of wisdom and inspiration. Keep on doing what you do and continue to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you.
    Love you sis

  2. Another awesome blog post! It reminded me that, although we must pray for Godโ€™s direction, we must often step out on faith and proceed to take the steps God lays out before us. This is a well written and thought provoking blog!

  3. Always enjoy reading and learning from your work. Relatable content has me looking forward to the next post!

  4. Awesome perspective Deanna! When we plant the seed we forget that so much has to happen under the surface that we canโ€™t see. We have to be faithful and know that with patience and endurance the end result will be so worth it! All it takes is that first step of faith!

  5. I always enjoy reading your stories! Itโ€™s wonderful how you can weave religion and morality into simple everyday acts and stories. Canโ€™t wait for the next one!

    Joe Cermele

  6. Buridanโ€™s Donkey has caused me to think about how many times in my life where I have had to make decisions and did not because of FEAR OF FAILURE, but in reality just like the donkey by not making a decision I really did make a decision.
    But Deanna has also reminded me that we don’t have to get stuck in place because we have a faithful God and each moment, each day His mercies are s fresh and new. He brings new and beautiful seeds of opportunities our way to be fruitful and bloom in who he has designed us to be. Her words of wisdom where she speaks to pray bring me to reflect and meditate upon the word of God in
    Proverbs 3: 5-6
    Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart. And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him. And he will make your paths straight and smooth {removing obstacles that block your way}

    Thank you Deanna Danielle for being faithful to the gifts that God has bestowed within you though communication with your heart and pen. God Bless You!!

  7. Another amazing read, Deanna. I love the journaling idea and creating a blog. You have given me great ideas and will apply them to my own life and classroom. I love how you make connections to the Bible and apply them to our every day lives. So relatable. Keep them coming!

  8. Misunderstood! This was beautifully articulated about seeds and their growth in us. Godโ€™s word says that according to the seeds planted in us He will create a heavenly body for us. Seeds bring forth life or death. Deanna describes so beautiful the life birthed from the seeds planted. Great job and keep speaking words of truth and life!

  9. What a great reminder,
    โ€œAs tiny as they may be, seeds have within them, everything they need to become all that they were created to be.โ€ Often we donโ€™t move forward because we are waiting on God to equip us, not realizing He has already equipped us to be everything He created us to be. Thank you for this beautiful reminder to step forward in faith! You are truly inspirational, Deanna, and God is using your gifts in mighty ways to bless others and fertilize their growth!

  10. Thank you everyone for your beautiful thoughts on this post! And a Very special thank you to Momโ€™s Choice Awards, for allowing me to share it!! God bless you all abundantly! Much love, Deanna Danielleโค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปโค๏ธ

  11. Thank you Again for another relatable read. I always love how effortless you connect real life situations. You can take a normal everyday routine and turn it into something really special. This is truly a gift.

  12. I can totally relate to being stuck between two places. Sometimes we have two great opportunities and we waste so much time over thinking and worrying that we miss out on what could have been. Thanks for the great read!

  13. This has blessed me beyond words. I am reminded, once again, that although I might not see or understand a full picture of my life, I am called to trust in God to lead me, while I diligently and prayerfully live every day. Because He does, indeed, order our steps according to His will, for us to be all that He created us to be, all for His Glory.

  14. I immensely enjoyed reading your profile. I especially liked the biblical parable about the need to make a thoughtful life decision when presented with a choice, in order, to be present and fully engaged in life.

  15. Wonderful!! Yes Lord, plant seeds of your wisdom and truth in me and the lives of those around me. Water these seeds and let them flourish, in Jesus name, Amen! Thank you for another beautiful blog post!

  16. I love the unique and creative perspectives often presented in her blog and appreciate the connections to Biblical truths. It makes me think about things in different ways and helps me open my mind more.

  17. Deanna, the seeds that you plant are so beautiful we can tell through the beautiful family that you have raised dad and I are so proud of you and your achievements your bogs are awesome keep spreading your words๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹

  18. Thank you for writing this blog and including the scriptures from Proverbs 19:20, Ester & the others. Lately I have felt like that donkey stuck in the middle between my old career of 35 years in the fashion business and moving forward into my new career in the house painting business… I feel paralyzed and or burdened some days with the decisions of which way to go, backward to what I know in fashion or forward to the unknown in the painting world….Your blog Blessed me today and the scriptures are a great guide. Thank you :)

  19. Deanna , what beautiful seeds you plant we can see this through the beautiful family that you have raised dad and I am very proud of you and your blogs they are amazing ๐Ÿ’‹โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘

  20. Another excellent writing,! Bringing us real examples of how teaching can leave a life long Impressions! Congratulations and keep these coming.

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