These Teal Pumpkins Aren’t Just Pretty, They’re For a Great Cause

pumpkin teal

So how do you participate? You can simply paint a pumpkin teal and place it on your doorstep, indicating that you are offering non-food treats for trick-or-treaters. You can also print out a mini poster from FARE’s website to post outside of your door, similarly telling allergy families that they are safe to accept treats from your home. Read More

Ways to Keep Your Kids Active Over the Winter

Teaching your kids to stay active is an important part of instilling healthy habits in them. What can you do during the winter months when low temperatures and nasty weather keep them cooped up indoors? Read More

Being the Parent Picked Last

Being the Parent Picked Last (image)

I was always picked last or pretty close to it when it came time to picking dodge ball teams in elementary school. Generally, I was selected just before the kid who was eating his own boogers. Read More

What I’m Learning About Finding My Village

takes a village

I want to boldly confess something important that I’m learning as I grow: that what is more important than how I feel is being an active part of a community. I will continue to extend invitations to fill our guest room and table with those in our growing village. Although I may still have to fight the deeply ingrained cultural mindset that says if I’m uncomfortable then I won’t do it, I will do so because of the long-term benefits, for both my family unit and those who are a part of our lives. Read More

My Self-Care Secret Weapon: A Gym Membership

self-care gym

I had to decide that taking a step towards my own wellness was worth the time, money, and effort. That it’s not selfish to prioritize myself, at times; that it’s a necessity. The culture of mommy-martyrdom needs to be put to death. Purposefully denying ourselves things that are good for us isn’t noble; it’s unwise. It doesn’t make us better mothers. It makes us unhealthy. Read More

What a Decade of Our Marriage Looks Like

Marriage (image)

There’s soooo much trying in marriage, isn’t there? Trying times, trying to keep it together, trying to be together while trying to be separate, trying to be the best, trying just not to suck, trying to communicate, trying to be patient, trying to remember, trying to remember why we want to remember. Read More