Top 5 New Year Parenting Goals for a Happy Life

Top 5 New Year Parenting Goals for a Happy Life

Rachael PaceRachael Pace
Relationship Expert | Mom

As singles make vows of getting fit and staying healthy this New Year, couples around the world are wondering what they can do to be better parents in 2019.

When it comes to parenthood, there is a whole world of options and plenty of New Year’s resolutions for becoming better moms and dads. Are you thinking about what goals you can make this year to be the best parents possible?

Here are 5 pieces of parenting advice you can’t afford to miss.

  1. Set a Good Example

Time and time again, studies have shown that our children learn from observing the world around them. Especially their parents!

That’s why one of the biggest pieces of parental advice you can follow this New Year is to set a good example for them.

Here are just some ways.

  • Seek to be honest in all things, even when it’s hard to do so.
  • Don’t speak badly about people, especially loved ones.
  • You don’t want your child to grow up to be a bully! Set a good example by showing kindness and respect to others from all walks of life.
  • Little ones will see that staying healthy is an important part of your routine and are more likely to follow your lead in living an active lifestyle.
  • Strive to improve communication with your spouse by learning when to listen and speak with the aim of solving a problem, not attacking one another.

Work together with your partner.

Your child should see you and your partner as a united front, not just mom and dad. You make decisions together and show respect for one another daily.

  1. Spend More Time Together

Spending more time together may involve spending less time at work. Strive to commit to a work/life balance by:

  • Leaving work at the door.
  • Putting your phone away after a certain time of day.
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Make a household budget and stick to it.

It’s also beneficial to schedule regular family time, such as a movie or game night or regular family dinner or breakfast.

This will help strengthen your bond as a family and will reinforce the feelings of happiness and security in your children.

  1. Make Your Marriage a Priority

One big piece of parental advice for being the best mom and dad possible is to stay connected to your spouse.

Your child is your whole world, but don’t let your love for them overshadow the relationship you have with your spouse. Family time is important and beneficial for your children, but don’t forget about date night.

Research shows that children function better when parents both make their marriage a priority.

Schedule a weekly or bi-weekly date night with your spouse. Go out on the town or get a babysitter and have a romantic at-home date.

Research done by The Marriage Institute shows that couples who do so commonly, communicate better, and are less likely to get divorced.

  1. Be Patient

If there is such thing as a perfect family, we certainly haven’t met them yet!

Not all dads can afford to work part-time in order to spend more time with their children and not all moms are well-to-do Yoga bunnies who hand-make their own baby food.

Parenting doesn’t always feel like you’re on cloud nine. Just be patient!

  1. Make Time for Yourself

Life as a parent can get hectic, especially if you have a newborn in the house.

Between feedings or packing school lunches, getting dinner ready and finding time to shower, you may feel like there are little hours left in the day for caring for yourself.

But in order to be the best parent possible, you must take care of yourself.

Take a bubble bath, read a book for ten minutes each day – do something that makes you feel great.

When you take time to pursue interests like music, hiking, photography or other hobbies, you lower stress and boost happiness. Like sleep, this rejuvenation process helps you to be a calmer, more active parent, and creates balance in your life.

Another great way to make time for yourself is by focusing on your health. Studies show that regular exercise significantly lowers the causes of mortality and the prevalence of chronic diseases.

Make exercise an activity you do with your spouse.

Research shows that couples who exercise together see better results when working with a partner. The study went on to show that couples kept up with their exercise routines for a period of two years or longer when working out with a spouse.

When it comes to being parents of the year, remember to set a good example.

There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for your kids. That’s why we know you’ll be following our parenting advice and tips for becoming better parents in the coming New Year.

Rachel PaceAbout Rachael Pace

Rachael Pace is a relationship expert with years of experience in training and helping couples. She has helped countless individuals and organizations around the world, offering effective and efficient solutions for healthy and successful relationships. Her mission is to provide inspiration, support, and empowerment to everyone on their journey to a great marriage. She is a featured writer for, a reliable resource to support healthy happy marriages.



View all posts by Rachael Pace here.

marriage advice

One Comment on “Top 5 New Year Parenting Goals for a Happy Life”

  1. These are the best suggestions! Kids learn by what they see, taking care of yourself and your marriage, and being patient and having time set aside for family activities all promote a happier and stronger family. Great article!

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