One Easy Way to Improve Your Relationship with Your Kid

Improve Your Relationship with Your Kid

If you own a smartphone, chances are, you love it. You take pictures of your kids, stay in touch with friends and family, keep up with the news, and text your spouse reminders to pick up milk. It’s likely never more than an arm’s reach away, and it probably even journeys into the bathroom with you. It’s 2016, and that’s totally normal. Read More

Screen-Time Limits for Parents?

Screen Time Limits for Parents

Distracted parenting has been a hot topic recently. Some experts link the rise in smartphone ownership to a spike in emergency room visits for kids under 5… Read More

The Science of Selfies

If you have a tween or a teen, the recent news that more people have died from taking selfies than from shark attacks probably came as no surprise. More than 90 percent of teens post photos of themselves online. And though the risk of death is highly unlikely, parents are naturally concerned about this trend that seems to be the very symbol of a self-absorbed generation. By understanding the real reasons… Read More

Too Much Screen Time!

School is in full swing and the days are getting shorter and colder. When kids burst through the door after leaving the bus, homework stuffed in their backpacks ready to finish, they’re eager to have some screen time. As a parent of 4 kids I totally understand their desire to unwind. We all need time to relax, and screen time is the perfect activity on a cold fall evening to do just that–tune out and plug in. Read More

Bully Awareness & Cyber Security – What You Need to Know

October is the month of witches, ghouls and goblins, and all things scary. School is clearly underway by now, bringing our daily routines back on track. October is also the month to take a step back and examine some of our behaviors- both online and off.

Cyber Security Month and Bully Awareness Month are both observed in October, and while they both go hand in hand, we’d like to reflect on ways we can all be better citizens both IRL and digitally. Read More