Tired, Stressed, and Not Giving Up

Tired, Stressed, And Not Giving Up

I’ve been in a weird phase this month—I’ve either been go, go, go or Netflix binge for hours. I can’t seem to find my healthy pace of life—relaxing while being somewhat productive. Read More

Life Lessons I Learned From My Baby

Life Lessons I Learned from My Baby

Each morning as I wake up for the fifth time, exhausted and a little cranky, I think of the day that lies ahead of me and the overwhelm kicks into gear. Then I look over at my sweet baby waking in his bassinet. Read More

Mom Chronicles: A Mom’s Nice Jar

A Mom's Nice Jar

By the end of each day, my nice jar is empty. I’m a married, working mom with four kids and two dogs. I start each day optimistically and swear I won’t get angry or yell. Read More

Let Go and Let Her Wear Shoes (Even When They’re Hideous)

let go

Those shoes broke me that day, truly. At some point, at many points in our parenting journeys, we need to let go. It happens gradually, but I am learning how to just let be a truth that I not only already know, but am thrilled about: that my daughter is her own person. In all of the instructing and guiding I am charged with as her mother, there is no actual part of me that wants to turn her into someone she’s not. Read More

Why I Love My Messy Home

Lincoln Logs - Why I Love My Messy Home

It was late when I got home, and I sank onto the couch, kicking off my shoes. As I glanced around the living room and into the adjoining playroom, I realized… Read More