Halloween Can Be Just as Sweet This Year

Halloween Can Be Just as Sweet This Year Featured Image

This is the year to try out some new Halloween activities and experiences with your kids…you might just find some favorites that will become ongoing traditions for your family. One way or another, this will likely be one of their most memorable Halloweens ever! Read More

Learning Activities That Don’t Feel Like Work

Kelly Rupiper Featured Image

How can we ensure that our kids are staying engaged and learning without asking too much of them (and ourselves)? Here are some easy ideas that will enhance and supplement what your kids are learning through school during their free time at home, without feeling like just more of the same. Read More

Reasons and Ways to Restrict Excessive Screen Time for Your Kids

Reasons and Ways to Restrict Excessive Screen Time for Your Kids

When you allow your toddler to spend a tremendous amount of screen time, it may result in delaying his development of certain skills like sociability and language as per the findings of a Canadian study. In the United States and Canada, experts believe that kids must not get exposed to screen time before they are 18 months of age, at least. Read More

How to Make Staying at Home More Fun

How to Make Staying at Home More Fun

Keeping kids entertained at home can be hard at the best of times. And in these days of social distancing and staying inside for prolonged periods, even parents with the most lenient screen time rules find themselves searching for things to do. Here are some easy ways to make the most of this unprecedented family time together and keep your kids engaged and occupied. Read More

Winter Activity Inspiration for Families

Winter Activity Inspiration for Families

Does wintertime call to mind visions of cozy fires and warm snuggles, or kids bouncing off the walls? Either way, keeping your family active during those long months filled with short days can take a little extra creativity. Here are some fun ideas for things to do together this winter. Read More

Why Brain Teasers Are a Good Way to Stimulate Your Kids’ Brain

Why Brain Teasers Are a Good Way to Stimulate Your Kids' Brain

In the same way, our bodies need physical exercises for optimal performance, the brains also need some training to remain alert and active. Brain teasers are part of the options you can use to stimulate students’ brains. With everyday practice, your learners will learn to solve various problems easily, both in class and in life. Read More

Tips For Traveling With Toddlers

Tips For Traveling With Toddlers

A lot of parents are familiar with the challenges of traveling with infants. Even if you haven’t taken your baby with you on a trip, there is a good chance that you have sat on a flight and heard a baby crying a few seats away. The move from infancy to toddlerhood should mean it’s much easier to fly, right? Not exactly. Read More