What a Decade of Our Marriage Looks Like

Marriage (image)

There’s soooo much trying in marriage, isn’t there? Trying times, trying to keep it together, trying to be together while trying to be separate, trying to be the best, trying just not to suck, trying to communicate, trying to be patient, trying to remember, trying to remember why we want to remember. Read More

Me, Too! Parents, You Are Not Alone

Me, Too! Parents, You Are Not Alone

You feel not good enough, like all of your kids’ bad traits come from your side. And you’re nowhere near as patient as you should be, showing more restraint with strangers than with your own family. Me, too. Read More

I’m Grateful, But I’m Not Sorry

I used to be one. A chronic apologizer. I hadn’t noticed how often I uttered the words I’m sorry until a friend called me on it: “Why do you always say you’re sorry?! Haven’t the women who came before us apologized enough? Read More

Kiss and Go

At my son’s Kindergarten orientation, the principal put a name to the thing I’ve reluctantly been doing for the past three years: in order for my kid to be successful in independent endeavors, I’ve had no choice but to kiss and go. I don’t like the quick embrace and the quicker release; I would love to be the mom who lingers for photos, who chats it up with the other parents, but I can’t be that lady. As much as it kills me to admit, my son does better without me. Read More